Inventory of John Hartwell’s Estate, 1714
(Surry County Deeds &c. Book 5 [1709–1715]:203–204)
8 cows and calves and 8 barren cows ………………₤ 16.0.0
18 heifers and steers of a small size…………….. 12.0.0
3 small steers, 10 yearlings …….6.8.0
1 boat and oars …….. 1.5.0
1 horse and 2 mares…………. 6.15.0
8 old sheep and 4 lambs 3.0.0
67 head of hogs big and small………… 12.19.6
4 volumes of Plutow’s history and 2 other books ……0.10.0
12 law books and 1 pocket book …… 5.1.0
2 Bibles, 1 common prayer book and 1 other book…….. 0.12.0
sundry new goods amounting to the sum of ……. 57.10.8
1 servidore, 2 tables, 12 leather chairs …….. 7.7.6
12 leather chairs, 1 table ……… 4.12.0
2 feather beds and furniture ………. 15.0.0
1 looking glass, 2 coat brushes, cradle, trunk ……… 9.18.0
4 brass candlesticks, 1 warming pan, spinning wheel…….. 0.18.0
30 pounds picked cotton and bag …….1.10.0
17 pounds spun cotton and bag ………1.10.4
1 chest, 1 case knives and forks, 1 lanthorn……… 0.19.0
parcel of old tools, gun, powder, shot …… 2.2.0
2 saddles and bridle, 2 deer skins ……… 1.15.0
1 pr. money scales, 1 razor, 9 doz. pipes, sealing wax…….. 0.9.0
1 bed and furniture, 6 old cane chairs, 1 table, 1 looking glass …… 9.3.0
3 ordinary beds and furniture, 7 blankets and counterpin, 1 quilt ……. 14.10.0
2 dozen huckabuck napkins, 4 table cloths, dozen diaper napkins ……. 3.0.0
16 osnabrigs napkins, 4 table cloths, 4 towels, 2 huckabuck ditto, 2 dowlas ditto, 4 diaper
ditto ………1.10.0
2 pr. sheets, 1 drying sifter, 2 bags unpicked cotton ……… 1.13.6
all his wearing clothes and 2 old chests …………11.3.0
5 small tite casks, 4 butter pots, 7 trays …………1.1.6
10 bushels salt, 2 sickles, 1 brass cock, pr. fleames ……….1.5.0
2 brass kettles, 1 brass skillet 3.10.6
5 iron pots, 1 box iron, 3 frying pans, 1 spit, 2 pot racks &c ……….3.12.6
18 new plates, 17 older ditto, 112 pounds pewter ………….. 5.10.6
1 doz. pattapans, 5 tin milk pans ……. 0.4.6
13 iron wedges, ? bushel, 4 pales, 5 tools, and some more old lumber ……. 1.2.6
4 morring hides ……. 0.10.0
2 carts and wheels, 1 grindell stone…….. 2.13.0
11 tobacco hogsheads, 1 corn barrel ………1.10.0
1 silver tankard, 2 poringers, 12 spoons wt. 61 oz 13 pennywt at 65/oz …….19.5.2
1 oz. Old silver ……..0.4.6
1 pr. gold buttons, 7 pennywt 15 grains …….. 1.10.6
22 pounds wool, 1 old hat ……. 1.6.0
1 parcel spice ……..0.8.9
harness for 2 horses, 1 milk pod, 1 iron pestle …….. 1.2.6
Elizabeth Hartwell
More to come:
[no monetary value expressed]1 small looking glass
1 three gallon rundlett
1 pr. of old boots
2 books