Appraisal of the real and personal estate  of Dr. George Wilson in Surry County, December 24, 1861

(Isle of Wight Will Book 27:455-458).

[Original spellings have been preserved.]


4 Demijohns $1.50, 1 ditto and 2 jugs $1.50

2 ditto $2.00, lot of tin $1.00,  lot of do., and iron 25¢

Bbls and mullets $1.00,  lot of bottles $1.00

3 Boxes and do. $1.00,  soap, jar and 2 kegs 50¢

lot of Boxes 50¢, 2 cotton reels 25¢,  tenpins and bowls 50¢

lot of old coffee pots &c 50¢, waffle irons &c $1.00

1 stone churn 50¢, 1 pattent ditto. 50¢

2 old firkins 25 ¢, apple peeler & box paint $1.00

2 Tea Kettles $1.25, 2 ovens 50¢

2 ovens $2.00,  1 Small Kettle & hooks $2.50

1 large Pot $2.50, 2 ditto &c. $2.00

1 small oven 25¢, 1 Table & contents $1.00

1 pr. Sheep Shears 25¢, 1 chimney top 25¢

1 pr. patent boxes $2.00, 1 Tray & Old Jar 25¢

7 pr. Kitchen andirons $1.00,  1 pr Tongs 25¢

Lot Milk Tins 50¢,  Kitchen Table 50¢

1 Safe 25¢, large Broiler $2.00, 2 Old tables 25¢

Sweet potatoes pr. bus. 50¢,  Fan Mill $10.00

1 corn Sheller $4.00, 1 Sail $3.00, 2 Measures 75¢

2 Raw hides $4.00, 2 Bbls & tire $2.00

box &c in Barn 50¢, lot of paint, Stone &c 20¢

1 Tin Oil Stand & Keg $2.00, 2 old Cribs & Cradles $1.00

lot rope & blocks $2.50, Patent well chain &c $2.25

lot brick Molds 50¢,  lot Cork $1.00,  Paint, Stone & pail 50¢

Steelyards &c 25¢, 1 pr. wedges $1.00

Box & 5 demijohns $l.00, Basket &c 10¢, 2 windows & glass 50¢

2 Scythes $50.00, 2 ditto $2.50, 2 ditto $1.00

X Grass Blaids $1.00,  1 old ox Yoke 25¢, 1 Boat & Oars $5.00

20 Bags $1.00, Hhd & Bbl 50¢, lot trumpery at office 25¢

Lot Chalk 50¢, 2 Pictures in Office $4.00, Books &c $1.00

Garden roler $2.00,  lot of hives 50¢, lot vegetables $1.00

10 Milk pans $2.25, 5 ditto $1.50, 2 Pewter Boles 50¢

Glass in dining room $2.00,  7 tumblers 50¢,  7 pr Salt Sellers 25¢

8 dishes $1.00, lot china $2.50, box knives $1.00

10 chairs $5.00, 2 arm ditto & 1 cricket $1.00, 7 pr andirons $2.00

1 pr. Tongs 25¢, hand lamp 50¢, Pictures 50¢

Contents of Medicine press $3.00, Basket & Box 25¢

Lounge upstairs $2.00, wash stand $1.50, Table & looking Glass 75¢

4 Pictures & Frames $4.00, Hand bellows 50¢,  Bed & Stead $25.00

1 Bed & 2 Mattresses $20.00, Wash Stand $2.00,  Table $1.00

looking Glass $1.00,  Candle stand $2.00, 4 old chairs $1.00

2 Chambers 50¢, 1 carpet $2.50, 2 table cloths $1.00

3 pair sheets $3.00,  1 pr. pillow cases 50¢, 3 Towells 50¢

Candle Sticks & Snuffers $1.00,  Match box &c 50¢, 1 pr andirons 25¢

Liquor case $5.00, 2 Jugs $2.00,  Tin boiler &o $1.00

Oyster Knives $1.00, Liquor case 25¢, 1 Jug Tar $1.00

Wooden Bucket &c 50¢, Tin Box & Sugar 50¢

Oil tin & watering pot 25¢, 2 coffee pots 25¢

Balance in Store room $l.50, Crimping Irons 50¢

Lot top Fodder $8.00, Wagon harness $7.00, 2 sets plow do. $3.00

2 Cart saddles & harness $5.00, 2 ditto 25¢,  2 old plows do $2.00

Buggy harness $1.00,  tumbler Cart No. 1 $7.00

1 T. Cart $5.00, 1 wagon $20.00, 1 Broken cart $1.00

1 Ox Cart $10.00,  New ground plow $5.00

3 horse plow $5.00, 1 ditto $3.50, 2 Single do. $5.00

Double & Single do. $5.00, 2 do. do. $3.00

2 old Swingle trees $1.00, 2 cultivators $1.00

3 shovel Plows $3.00, 3 double ditto $1.00, 2 old drags $2.00

1 dragg $4.00,  1 Gleaner $8.00,  1 Grind Stone $2.00, 1 Straw Cutter $5.00

l Grind Stone $2.00, 1 Straw Cutter $5.00, 1 ditto 50¢

1 Chest tools $1.50, 3 boxes & rotten corn $1.00

1 Wheat thrasher $100, lot Shucks $20.00

1 lot old tires $5.00, 3 mold boards $2.00, lot Land Sides $2.00

new castings $2.00, lot plow points $1.00, old iron 50¢

frow $1.50, Trowell hoes $1.00,  lot Swingletrees & yoke $1.00

2 X cut saws $1.00,  10 axes $7.00, 2 spades &c $2.00

2 dung forks $1.00,  lot hoes $2.00, 2 cross bars $2.00

3 Ox Chains $3.00, 1 Mare (Ida) $1.00,  1 Mare Kitty 50¢

1 Mule Trim $75.00,  1 ditto Irvine $75.00, 1 saddle & Bridle $1.00

10 Pigs $15.00,  10 Shoats $25.00, 10 ditto $25.00

2 Breed Sows $15.00, 13 Cows $200

2 Young Steers $30.00, 2 Yoke of steers $100, Turnips $3.00

23 [blank] $6.00, 6 Geese $2.00, Turkeys $18.00, Musk. Ducks $2.50

3 hogs pen No. 1 $20.00, 3 ditto $35.00, 7 ditto No. 3 $45.00

10 ditto No. 4 pen $100.00, 9 ditto No. 5 $45.00, 1 do. Lot $20.00

2 Sows $20.00, 1 white sow $15.00, lot wheat $16.00

Table in Cellar 25¢, 2 pieces trough 25¢, lot [of] potatoes $1.00

1 Single bbl. Gun $7.00,  1 Stove $10.00,  Negro Man Joe Sr. $800.00

1 Negro boy Joe $700.00, 1 ditto Osborn $900.00

1 Negro Silas $600, 1 ditto Harrison $300.00, 1 ditto Peter $700.00

Woman Belinda $800.00

man Ben $200.00, 3 old Negroes Sally & Charity $150 each


$500.00 Minus

122 Bbls Corn @ $3.00: $366.00

9948 lbs fodder @ $1.30: $149.22

Oats bbls @ $1.50: $30.75


Farm Mount Pleasant containing 642 acres $6,000.00


We the undersigned having been appointed do certify that we have appraised estate of Doctor George Wilson dec’d in Surry County according to the foregoing inventory.


  1. C. Taylor
  2. H. Nowell

Jos. A. Graves


IIn the County Court of Isle of Wight County. March 3rd, 1862.  This Inventory and

Appraisement of Doctor George Wilson dec’d was returned and admitted to record.